I typi­cal­ly dis­li­ke it when crea­ti­ves use the nega­ti­ve to sell a pro­duct, as often times the ide­as aren’t as sophisti­ca­ted and rely on imma­tu­re or brash image­ry and tone to sha­re a mes­sa­ge. It can be fun­ny, sure, but also can lea­ve a neu­tral or sour tas­te about the brand. The May­hem cha­rac­ter is not a new one to the adver­ti­sing world; bad guys who are stop­ped by the adver­ti­sed pro­duct have defi­ni­te­ly been suc­cess­ful in the past. It just seems that a gre­at examp­le of such a tech­ni­que hasn’t appeared in a while.

What I find espe­ci­al­ly suc­cess­ful about this cam­pai­gn is a com­bi­na­ti­on of well thought-out fac­tors. One, the cas­ting couldn’t have been more spot on. Dean Winters—from shows like Oz and 30 Rock—really epi­to­mi­zes the May­hem per­so­na. He wears a suit but looks like he just got out of a bar fight. He’s calm and strai­ght­for­ward about the dest­ruc­tion he cau­ses and that mat­ter-of-fac­t­ness real­ly hits home—especially when Win­ters liter­al­ly hits homes. Or cars. Or motor­cy­cles.

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